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Sugar Addiction Help: The One Thing That You May Have Missed For Your Fitness Goals

Sugar, ah that wonderfully sweet substance that we find so enjoyable. I don’t know about you but when I am tired or stressed, I can easily be drawn to it for a quick fix in my energy level. There is a whole industry that counts on that tendency in us. Let’s not even talk about how that industry targets kids.

Did you know that in the 1800’s the average American had 15 grams of sugar a day? That’s less than 4 teaspoons (3.57 teaspoons to be more precise). Can you guess what the average daily consumption is now? Do you think it doubled or tripled? Would you be willing to wager that it has quadrupled?

Well believe it or not, the current average daily consumption of sugar is about 285 grams a day (or 67.86 teaspoons)! From 15 grams to 285 grams (or less than 4 teaspoons to nearly 68 teaspoons)! That is a 1800% leap! That amazing leap blew my mind when I heard it. If you look at the average American’s health and waistline change, you can draw a conclusion that there may be a cause and effect relationship there.

One of the questions that came to my mind was, “how the heck has this happened?”. Well the industrial revolution brought more than factories that made cars; it brought factory made food. It doesn’t take much looking around to see that processed foods are a primary component for calorie consumption with many people today.

If we examine breakfast, for example, we can see how quickly sugar grams add up. Say a person has prepackaged, and highly sweetened oatmeal or cereal (the average cereal contains 19.8 grams or 4.71 teaspoons of sugar). If you have your cereal with 6 ounces of skim milk – surely skim milk isn’t bad, is it? Well even 6 ounces of skim milk has 11 grams (2.62 teaspoons) of sugar. Now we are up to about 31 grams (7.4 teaspoons) already. Add orange juice and you can add about 9 teaspoons or 37.5 grams of sugar! That brings us up to about 68 grams of sugar. Additionally, most people have coffee with a few more teaspoons of sugar (about 4.2 grams each teaspoon) and/or creamer (usually 5 grams of sugar). If we conservatively count the coffee as adding 9 grams of sugar, then we are up to 77 grams (18 1/3 teaspoons) for breakfast alone!  That is more sugar for breakfast alone than people in the 1800s used to have in about 5 days.  Breakfast is often the smallest meal of the day too.

Drinks are another huge culprit to pack more sugar into our diet. The average 12 ounce can of soda has 45 grams (almost 11 teaspoons) of sugar. There are some sodas on the market that have a whopping 99 grams or 23 ½ teaspoons of sugar.

Be Aware of the Ingredients and Serving Sizes!

I knew a salesman that lived on ‘energy drinks’ all day, thinking that it was better than coffee or sodas. I surprised him by explaining that one of his 12 ounce cans of that ‘energy drink’ had 37 grams or almost 9 teaspoons of sugar! I know that he used to go through 3 or 4 of those a day!

There is a reason why the nutritional labels are hard to read. The manufacturers don’t want you to think about the full amount of sugar that you will be consuming, among other things. The labels will also manipulate the serving size to make an item seem better than it is in reality. For example, I know that some cereals on the market show nutritional information that are based on a serving size of 1/3 cup of cereal. I have yet to meet an adult that can be filled up with 1/3 cup of cereal!

Speaking of drinks; I was appalled to learn that a school age child is given an 8 ounce carton of either skim with 14 grams of sugar or chocolate milk containing 28 grams of sugar (or 3.3 or 6.7 teaspoons respectively) with their meal every day. Why don’t we switch these kids to water? Water is what my daughter has every day at her school lunch because I pack it myself. She does not have any deficiencies of protein or calcium and is growing well. She’s already 5’1” at 11 ½ years old.

Sugar and Your Health

Well all that sugar is a concern for your waistline and your healthy teeth but are there other concerns? It seems that the answer is yes. A diet high in sugar can affect your heart, brain, mood, as well as your immune system. A high sugar intake increases your risk of chronic diseases, which shorten your lifespan. According to authorities, like Harvard Health Publishing, too much sugar can lead to obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease and cardiovascular (heart) problems. Studies also suggest that too much sugar triggers inflammation in the body and elevates blood pressure too.

Sugar and Weight Loss

I am sure that you are wondering if cutting your sugar intake will lead to weight loss and how much? I do believe that cutting sugar down will lead to significant weight loss over time. The late, great author, Dr. Wayne Dyer, stated that he lost 30 lbs in one year by limiting his sugar to 25-30 grams (6 or 7 teaspoons) a day. Remember that weight loss depends on a number of factors. Your current weight, your metabolic rate, your overall diet and your activity level all contribute to the bottom line (or the reading on the scale). The best way to see how it works for you is to try it. One thing that you can do is cut out processed foods and learn to use ingredients like, applesauce, bananas, dates, agave, maple syrup, and molasses in your recipes. I am sure that if you are determined, you will find it easier and easier to maintain as you learn to enjoy healthy recipes and appreciate the health benefits of your new lifestyle.

Get Help!

Journal your progress and use whatever tools help you. A good and inexpensive 5 week program that I found to be helpful is only $9.95. You can click here to get yours Sugar Detox System to help you to cut the sugar addiction and take control of your weight and your health.

24 Responses to “Sugar Addiction Help: The One Thing That You May Have Missed For Your Fitness Goals

  • Jenny Sleider
    5 years ago

    Holy smokes! I had no idea that we consume that much more! It always seems insane how much sugar that is! Sugar is lurking in so many foods! I have always been a wine drinker, and it’s even hidden in large quantities in mass produced wine! Sugar is a scary trend! We try to keep as much processed food out of our house as possible! Thanks for the detailed insight! 

    • Patricia Sullivan
      5 years ago

      Hi Jenny! You are so right, it is scary how much sugar has crept into our lives! Thanks for your comments!

  • I have a sweet tooth and I know that sugar is not good for me. My aim is to cut down on my sugar intake. This website is encouraging as it goes into how to be free from not only eating sugar but from emotional eating as well. I have been trying, however, to cut down on junk food as that was what I snacked on a lot. Chips, cookies etc was my go-to for snacking but as I  get older, there is a realization that I must keep my health in check. 

    • Patricia Sullivan
      5 years ago

      Hi Sharon, thank you for your comments. Do not give up – it’s hard to give up the processed foods for snacking and so many of us struggle with that! You can do it, little by little! Stay strong!

  • I must say that you have put together an extensive site here for some time. Your information appears to be very accurate. Does your presentation reward you with returning clients? Do you have a referral program in place? I’m not sure if I noticed that. All in all, you done a fine job. Peace, Mark.

    • Patricia Sullivan
      5 years ago

      thank you for your comments Mark. I am not sure that I understand your question about ‘my presentation’

  • Nuttanee
    5 years ago

    I am guilty of it, but I cannot deny that I love sugar soooo much! It just gave me this pleasure! I have been trying to balance it though. If I have sweets I try to aim for fruits. But, if I really want that chocolate, I’ll have it and off set it with some nuts and also some black coffee or tea for the volume lol 

    It is sickening that they target our kids. Well they will try to make all possible ways to make money and that is evil. I try to make my own desert and freeze them, so I know how much sugar I put in. I also aim for stevia or sugar alcohol if I can but I don’t stress over it. I think moderation is a key here. But, yes we have to read the labels. Sugar is hidden everywhere!

    • Patricia Sullivan
      5 years ago

      Hi Nuttanee, Thank you for your comments. It is great that you are aware of the sugar problem and take great measures to control it for yourself. You are right, it is awful how kids are targeted!

  • Babsie Wagner
    5 years ago

    What a great deal for all you get with that Sugar Crush Detox program.  I have given up sugar before, and I lost 50 pounds, fit into clothes I forgot I had, and felt like a million bucks.  Now I’m sitting here thinking about licorice shoe laces, I’m right back up in weight and not happy about it.  Thank you for the help!

    • Patricia Sullivan
      5 years ago

      Hi Babsie, I am sorry to hear that your struggles returned. Do not give up, You conquered it once and lost 50 lbs! That is a huge accomplishment! You can do it again!

  • marcuscbb
    5 years ago

    Hi I would like to thank you for this informative article on sugar addiction. I was amazed to read about the salesman drinking so much sugar. Those energy drinks are very dangerous especially if you consume a lot in one day. He was lucky not to get diabetes or a heart attack. Personally I avoid the stuff.

    • Patricia Sullivan
      5 years ago

      I totally agree with you. I think that energy drinks can be dangerous in large amounts. Thanks for your comments. 

  • Hey Patricia, to me it is absolutely insane to see how much sugar we are intaking on a daily basis for me it was like there was a mic drop right after you said that we are intaking 285 grams a day! My mind can barely start to understand how we are devouring such an immense amount of sugar…..

    I also have the thought that those huge amounts of sugar are extremely well hidden from the sight of the normal consumer, this makes it easy for us pound on the pounds real quick (pun intended)…

    From here on I am for sure to have greater care in what I put into my mouth, thanks a lot!



    • Patricia Sullivan
      5 years ago

      Hey Mark, thank you for your comments. i am glad that i help make you and others aware. 

  • Tasmia Ferdous
    5 years ago

    I really appreciate this review.
    Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful article with us. Your post is very informative for all people.

    I know sugar is bad for me but I’m trying too hard not to eat sugar. I’m worried about my health, I’m gaining weight every day. I think I should be health conscious. I have learned a lot by reading your post. I believe that by following the Sugar Crush Detox’s guide line, I will be able to succeed by losing weight by cutting sugar.

    I will share this post on social media, hopefully others will benefit.

    • Patricia Sullivan
      5 years ago

      hi Tasmia, thank you for sharing with us your experience. Good luck on your healthy journey!

  • Nathaniel
    5 years ago

    Hello Patricia – Great article on sugar-or the abundance thereof.  I hope many folks have a chance to review this.  Sugar has become such an insidious addiction.  It is in so many products that you wouldn’t expect, like ketchup for example.  Even without picking up a teaspoon we’re consuming sugar!  The same goes for sodium.  I’ve recently discovered that my LDL cholesterol is elevated so I have to cut back on processed foods (frozen, canned, etc.).  Being a bachelor, I find the quick meals handy, but I also like living!  So…

    Thanks for this opportunity!

    • Patricia Sullivan
      5 years ago

      Hi Nathaniel, nicely put – you gotta like living more than the convenience of processed foods!

  • Sugar definitely is something that needs to be reduced in today’s society. You have mentioned quite a few things about it that I didn’t know though. I don’t drink them anyway but I didn’t know the energy drinks had that much sugar. I have been after my wife about sodas, she can drink three or four 44 ounce sodas a day. At 1 time I was addicted to it too, by quitting sugar my cholesterol dropped from the 400’s down to almost normal. After the initial withdrawals my energy levels went up too.

    • Patricia Sullivan
      5 years ago

      Larry, thanks for your comments and sharing your inspiring story of how you dropped your cholesterol down after quitting sugar! that is terrific 

  • Christine
    5 years ago

    The daily consumption has certainly gone up a lot! I was aware that people consume a lot of sugar nowadays, but seeing the exact number is still shocking. I always have my tea with a spoonful of sugar, but I do not drink sodas. I may drink a coke once or twice a month, but that’s it. 

    I work in a school and I often see the sugary food children take in every day. Few have healthy lunches, and then they all come to class, totally energized and difficult to calm down, because they’re filled up with sugar … It’s hard to deal with it sometimes …

    I hope that schools pay more attention to lunches they offer to students. Many schools are improving their menus, but it is true that the sugar intake is still high. It may also be difficult to lower food with sugar, because sugar is in nearly everything … even in some pasta sauces … How can you lower it when it is present in most products?

    • Patricia Sullivan
      5 years ago

      Hi Christine, thank you for your comments and thank you for working in a school. Children need caring individuals working with them. I am not sure how, as a society, we are going to cut down on sugar, unless it becomes a priority and we demand lower sugar products. Some pasta sauces are better than others, you have to check the labels. One big thing we can do is cook our own food a bit more – then we know what is in it. Here is a great cookie recipe with no sugar – sweetened with dates, from my YouTube channel

  • DorcasW
    5 years ago

    Hello; Sugar addiction is a serious enemy to human health. No fooling around and believe that there is no danger in absorbing too much sugar. Especially to those who sit through the day and do not exercise.

     They walk from the parking lot which adjoined the office building to office and back daily, from the living room to bedroom/bathroom, and from the garage to the living room. Their waistline increases rapidly, and many women are comfortable with it as long as their hair face and nails are looking attractive they say they are saying one.

     You may have your tea or coffee without any sugar, but have a lot of soda throughout the day as well as many fruits. The fruits now are sweeter than days gone by even when you eat a variety of fruits to avoid too much sugar, it might not work very well because of the sweetness of the fruits.

     Keep in mind that everything we eat sweet or unsweet, break down into simple sugar in our bowels. So then the body is sustained with natural sugar. It might not need much more sugar to survive.


    • Patricia Sullivan
      5 years ago

      Thank you for your comments DorcasW, you are aware and will stay healthy no doubt!

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